Step 6: Training
At this point you may be engaged and beginning to see the power of God’s Kindness. Are you wondering what steps you need to get started with implementing Kindness Outreach? Honestly, the best next step is to take a next step. Perhaps you’ve read about Jesus’ invitation to his disciples, He said, “Come follow me” or paraphrased “Let’s get going.” In this section, we have downloadable training documents to help you learn and do along with a suggested process to get going.
Kindness Workshops
Kindness Workshops are a 1.5 to 2.5 day onsite workshop to activate outward-focused rhythms as a lifestyle in your community. The duration of your experience entirely depends on your needs. We meet with your leaders then create an experience that matches your hopes and dreams for the people of your city.

FERTILIZE YOUR CHURCH PLANT: Kindness Outreach Creates a Great Culture for Church Plants
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: In the age of entertainment and consumerism, how do you plant a church that is outwardly focused (reaching our communities) and encouraging Believers toward the servant heart of Jesus?

CREATE MORE AND BETTER CONVERSATIONS ABOUT GOD: Kindness Outreach Creates Contexts for God Space Conversations
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: A recent Barna report titled Reviving Evangelism states the reluctance believers have sharing their faith. We’ve found that intentional Kindness opens the door for very natural conversations about faith. Many of the models of the past for conversations are simply ineffective because they’re more about telling and preaching than listening and caring. God Space skills combined with Kindness Outreach is a win-win combination for believers and not-yet-Christians alike. Both parties walk away from their interactions respected, validated and ready to chat again.

KINDNESS CREATES ENCOUNTERS: Kindness Outreach Creates Contexts for Powerful Encounters
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: The powerful alliance of Kindness Outreach and Spiritual Gifts! Kindness Outreach creates an engaging context driven by intentional deeds of God’s Kindness which opens the door to a 10 Second Prayer-Encounter (Prophetic Words, Healing Prayers and Words of Knowledge). Simply put, encounters with God’s Presence nudge people toward Jesus!

KINDNESS OUTREACH 101: Kindness Outreach Creates Doable Evangelism Experiences in Community
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Believers are hungering for Doable Practices that create immediate fulfillment of the powerful God-given desire to meaningfully connect with the not-yet-Christian world. The energy that exudes from providing loving nudges of God’s Love enables the uninitiated to believe, “I can do this,” “I make a difference” and “that was easy” so that they want to serve again and again. People are longing for connection inside and outside our church walls. Serving together builds bridges of deepening community and connection that weekend gatherings can simply not provide. As you bring God’s Kindness to your neighborhoods, your community connections are deepened and strengthened.

BRING GOD'S KINDNESS TO YOUR CITY: Kindness Outreach Activates City Wide Movements
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Over the past 25 years, citywide prayer movements have sprung up all over the country and across the globe. Pastors, churches and believers have rallied and have asked God to pour out His Presence and draw people to Jesus. Many of the faithful are looking to activate their prayers to captivate the hearts and minds of not-yet-believers of their cities. However for many believers, the leap from praying for a lost person to sharing the Gospel with them is daunting. Even the most enthusiastic Christ-followers are wise to authentically care for those they pray for as they look for Holy Spirit opportunities to share the good news with them. Believers are hungering for Doable Practices that create immediate fulfillment of their God-given desire to meaningfully connect with the not-yet-Christian world. The surprising joy that exudes from providing even the simplest nudge of God’s Love enables the inexperienced or fearful witness to believe, “I can do this,” “I make a difference” and “that was easy” so that they want to serve again and again. Imagine an approach to evangelism that’s doable for anyone, is low risk and requires very little verbal skill? Just something as simple as handing out a bottle of water with a connect card and saying “This is to demonstrate God’s love for you in a practical way with no strings attached.”

Webinar: Kindness Outreach: Principles and Payoff
55 minutes | Join in on a practical, doable and yes, even fun, outreach! We call it Kindness Outreach — showing God’s love in practical ways to draw people to Jesus. Together we will discover the principles connected with showing God’s kindness. When we marry God’s kindness with our simple availability the world will change! Also learn about the multiple payoffs for your church. “The kindness of God leads to…a radical life change” (Rom. 2:4, NASB & MSG)

Best “Getting Started” Outreaches

Annual Planning Clock Template

Prayer/Care/Share Handbook

Explore God Outreach Card Template

Servant Evangelism Practical Planning

Measuring Your Church's Vibe

The Art & Science of the Vibe
Church/Campus Ministry

God Space Introduction
If you want to increase the quantity and quality of your spiritual conversations in practical, doable, and authentic ways, God Space will help you engage this ever-changing world with God’s never-changing message
Downloadable Training Videos & City Reaching Teams
Details Coming Soon
Tel: 1-888-kindness